
Gyrocompass Anschutz STD 20 provides an analog heading indication referred to true north. Via an absolute, coded scanning and transmission system, it guarantees an absolute and clear transmission of the compass heading reference via a serial interface to analog or digital repeater compasses, autopilot or other periphery devices that are able to process the serial interfaces of the compass.

We also have service department where you can find New and Reconditioned Raytheon Anschutz STD20 GYRO and spare parts like PCB, Gyro SPhere, Container etc. Also we have team, who can assist to install, repair, configure and service.


Electrical Data:
– Supply voltage 24V DC

  Power consumption:
– Sensor (run–up): 35 W
– Sensor (operation): 30 W
– Heating: max. 75 W (temporarily)
– Fan: 3 W (temporarily)

– Settling time: 3 h
– Rate of follow–up: 70°/s
– Acceleration of follow–up: 150°/s2

  Environmental Conditions and Other Requirements:
– Ambient temperature during operation: –10 °C to +55 °C
– Storage temperature: –25 °C to +70 °C

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Original price was: USD $ 1,482.5.Current price is: USD $ 1,161.8.
Original price was: USD $ 447.2.Current price is: USD $ 350.4.
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