Simrad GC80/85 Gyro Compass MK2 are fully IMO approved for standard and High Speed Craft ; with options for Dual and Expanded gyro compass system configuration. Employing the newest technology enables the highest possible accuracy, stability, and assuring effective operations under the most harsh conditions, with is fully sealed sensitive element. The Simrad GC80 gyro compass is the ideal solution for the advanced DP system needed in offshore industry and other similar applications.

IMO approved for both standard vessels and high speed craft, the simple and quick installation and set-up, and the fact that there is no annual servicing required, makes Simrad gyro systems the best solution for any 24/7 operator.
Gyro Compass GC80 System Flexibility
Wide range of control units enable unique configuration for new or retrofit installation. Interfaces are easily expanded to provide signals for all vessel applications. The distribution of power and heading signals from the control units allows for practical installation and easy retrofit.


Maintenance free gyro
30k hour calculated MTTF (>70k observed)
Compact, Expanded, and Dual control versions
HSC compliant (GC85)
NMEA/IEC, 24V Step, and Analog ROT outputs
No required annual servicingHe

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