Sperry Marine Gyro Sphere Reputation:

Generally Long-Lasting: Sperry Marine has a reputation for building dependable gyrocompasses with long lifespans. You can expect the MK1’s gyro sphere to be similarly durable.
MK1 Gyro Sphere Characteristics (Limited Details):

Function: Like most gyro spheres, it likely employs a spinning gyroscope that maintains a reference to true north. This provides an accurate heading for the ship’s navigation system, even in rough seas.
North Stabilization: According to information on the MK2 model, Sperry Marine gyrocompasses likely utilize a unique design that maintains north stabilization during short power interruptions (up to 3 minutes in the MK2). This feature likely relies on the gyro sphere’s construction and supporting fluids.
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Original price was: USD $ 447.2.Current price is: USD $ 350.4.

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